Monday 2 May 2011

The latest developments...

Well another busy day on the allotment. There was a lot of weeding to catch up on - only small weeds but its easier to get them up when they are small. Everything looks a lot neater now though and everything seems to be starting to come through the soil. Growing from seed has meant it has taken a while for some things to appear.

New things to go in today...the runner beans have gone in along with the construction of the A-frame. The cucumber plant has gone into the soil as well so we will see how that gets on and another row of carrots and beetroot (the first carrots planted still aren't showing so we are getting a little concerned that something might have gone wrong).

Finally we have got to eat the first the produce from the allotment - some small salad leaves to thin out the crop have gone in the salad for lunch tomorrow. And some fresh rocket leaves went on top of the freshly made ham and mushroom pizza that were delicious. It is very rewarding to get the first crops through already barely 5 weeks after we started.

The first produce...rocket on top of a home
made ham and mushroom pizza - delicious!

The A-frame and beans. You can just see the peas
starting to show at the bottom of the picture.

Cucumber plant next to the random flowers we planted.

The rows of salads starting to show through.
Should keep us going through the summer!